To create a unique payment URL for a customer please follow the steps below:

  1. Complete the form below. Order ID MUST be a unique code not used before for any previous transaction. Amount should be the complete figure including pence, without the decimal. Eg, £120.00 becomes should be entered as 120000
  2. Click the 'Generate Payment URL' button.
  3. The Unique URL will be generated and a notification email will be sent to the customer directly. The customer can then complete payment via Barclays secure payment portal.
Your unique order number (merchant reference). The system checks that a payment has not been requested twice for the same order.
Amount to be paid MULTIPLIED BY 100 since the format of the amount must not contain any decimals or other separators. Please not include a decimal place in your amount. So, 120.00 becomes should be entered as 12000
The description is sometimes transmitted to the acquirer (depending on the acquirer), in order to be shown on the account statements of the merchant or the customer.
Customer name. It will be pre-initialised (but still editable) in the cardholder name field of the credit card details.
Customer’s email address
Your email address (Simplexity Travel  staff)